Mystery Call, Mystery Shopping and Mystery ClientMarket research to improve service quality
Mystery is a powerful and versatile survey methodology, designed to evaluate and improve the quality of service and customer experience. Through techniques such as Mystery Shopping, Mystery Caller and Mystery Client, companies can discreetly and realistically observe the functioning of their touchpoints, measuring the quality of interactions with customers. An internal benchmark is also obtained, which allows the organization to be stimulated to achieve high levels of quality delivered.
These Mystery techniques represent a cognitive tool to monitor the quality of services and business processes. They allow you to measure the quality provided, monitor sales processes and verify alignment with company standards. Furthermore, they allow you to identify training needs and evaluate the effectiveness of training processes or organizational changes.

CFI Groupour working methodology
Thanks to a network of professional interviewers, operating on a national and international scale, CFI Group is able to collect data with capillarity and precision.
Real-time transmission guarantees timely analysis, with quantitative reports, comparison KPIs and clear operational indications. The surveys can also include the analysis of the layout of the points of sale to verify their coherence with the brand identity.
Mystery Client
Mystery Client is an investigation technique that allows you to evaluate the quality provided at customer contact points. The activity involves the use of professional observers who present themselves as anonymous customers to evaluate the quality of the service offered, the competence of the staff and the efficiency of the processes. During the interaction, the Mystery Client verifies the consistency with company standards, identifies any misalignments or opportunities for improvement.
Mystery Shopping
Mystery Shopping is a survey methodology that evaluates the quality of service and customer experience in the commercial sector, such as shops, supermarkets and shopping centres. Mystery Shoppers are qualified professionals who simulate real shopping situations to observe and analyse key elements, such as staff behaviour, assistance provided, product presentation and compliance with company standards.
Mystery Call
Mystery caller is an investigation methodology that evaluates the quality of telephone interactions between a company and its customers. Qualified professionals, acting anonymously, simulate real calls to analyze fundamental aspects such as the courtesy of the staff, the ability to solve problems, the clarity of the information provided and the consistency with company standards. The goal is to identify critical issues in the assistance processes, compliance with procedures and opportunities to improve the telephone service.
The competitive advantages of Mystery Shopping, Mystery Client and Mystery Call activities
Measuring the quality delivered
Evaluation of the actual correspondence between the quality offered and the company standards.
Identify training needs
Identify opportunities for training and performance improvement.
Monitor sales-purchase processes
Identify inefficiencies and optimize interactions.
Analyzing the layout of the points of sale
Evaluating the coherence with the brand identity.
Get feedback from the front line
Highlight service gaps versus goals.
Evaluate the effectiveness of organizational initiatives
Valutare l'efficacia delle iniziative organizzative
To go beyond a superficial vision and obtain truly useful data to guide business decisions, it is essential to combine mystery investigations with customized market research.
This approach allows you to analyze the market with greater precision, collecting detailed and reliable insights that not only explain the observed behaviors, but help define long-term strategies based on a deep understanding of customer needs and growth opportunities.