Ad hoc market researchcustomized solutions for strategic decisions

Custom market research is research designed to specifically address the needs of the company requesting it. Unlike standardized surveys, these analyses focus on exactly what you need to know, providing targeted and data-driven insights to support strategic decisions. This approach allows you to explore unique problems, anticipate trends and identify growth opportunities, adapting perfectly to the business context.

CFI Group conducts customized market research that covers strategic areas such as Customer Satisfaction, Employee Satisfaction, Brand Equity, sales performance and sector barometers.
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Thanks to an advanced methodology and a focus on the specifics of each company, CFI transforms the data collected into concrete decision-making tools, allowing you to optimize resources, strategies and results in increasingly competitive markets.

The CFI Group methodology for customized market research

CFI Group’s methodology for customized market research is structured in a complex and scientific process, designed to respond to specific company needs. Each phase is designed to collect, analyze and transform data into targeted operational strategies and guarantee concrete and high-impact solutions.

Through this methodology, CFI Group provides essential tools to define targeted action plans and improve business performance in a sustainable and measurable way.
1. Information needs analysis
Identification of research objectives and information needs through assessment with the company team and management.
2. Business and perceived quality analysis
Interviews with company managers and focus groups with customers or employees to explore perceptions and expectations.
3. Interviews
Development of analysis and data collection models through advanced methodologies such as CAPI, CATI, CAWI and online panels.
4. Processing and diagnostics
Scientific validation of the models used and analysis of the results to ensure maximum reliability of the answers.
5. Sharing and communicating results
Creation of detailed reports and presentation of data to the relevant business divisions, with definition of operational priorities.

The advantages of ad hoc market research

Through this methodology, CFI Group provides essential tools to define targeted action plans and improve business performance in a sustainable and measurable way.

Tailored approach

Operational flexibility

Strategic insights

Accurate monitoring

Competitive advantage