CATI SurveysListening to Customers to Guide Business Strategies

Companies that want to truly understand their customers know how important it is to gather reliable and in-depth information about their opinions, preferences and behaviors. In an ever-changing market, identifying consumer expectations and assessing their perception of the brand is crucial to guiding business strategies.

Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) surveys address these needs, offering a flexible and reliable solution for gathering actionable insights quickly and accurately.

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What is the CATI method and how does it work?

CATI surveys are a data collection methodology based on telephone interviews assisted by advanced software, designed to ensure accuracy and consistency. This method combines technological efficiency with a personal approach, offering an ideal balance between speed and depth of analysis.

The process begins with the creation of digital questionnaires, customized to meet the specific objectives of the research. During the interview, the interviewer uses an IT platform to ask questions and record the answers in real time, minimizing errors and ensuring structured and uniform data collection. At the end of the collection, the data is analyzed to provide strategic insights useful for defining concrete action plans.

The added value of CFI Group

The added value of CFI Group lies in the ability to go beyond simple data collection. CFI consultants work closely with clients, transforming the information collected into targeted strategies to achieve business objectives.

CATI surveys find application in a variety of contexts, including customer satisfaction assessment, brand perception analysis and large-scale opinion polls, making them a versatile tool for market research.

Advantagesof CATI Surveys

CATI surveys offer a versatile and effective approach to collect high-quality data, transforming it into strategic insights that can guide business decisions.

Speed in data collection



Wide coverage

Quality of responses

Low costs

Diversified applications

Reaching specific targets

Applications of the CATI method in market research

This methodology is particularly useful for reaching diverse samples, ensuring reliable and actionable data collection.

The CATI method is a versatile solution for collecting strategic data in different business and sector contexts. Thanks to its speed and precision, it is used for:

Customer satisfaction
Measure customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
Brand Awareness
Analyze brand awareness and brand perception in the market.
Opinion polls
Collect feedback on products, services or issues of general interest.
Market research
Studying consumer purchasing behavior, preferences, and trends
Socio-economic analysis
Collect large-scale data to understand the dynamics of specific industries or geographic areas.
Advertising Campaign Evaluation
Monitor the impact and effectiveness of marketing and communications activities.

This methodology is particularly useful for reaching diverse samples, ensuring reliable and actionable data collection.