CFI Groupthe ideal partner for quality market research
CFI Group is more than just a market research firm; it is a strategic partner for companies that want to understand and maximize the most important assets: customers and employees. Specializing in Customer and Employee Satisfaction, CFI Group uses an advanced scientific methodology to analyze and improve business performance.
CFI Group’s approach enhances the Voice of the Customer and that of the Employee, transforming them into strategic levers for business success. Through the detailed analysis of the feedback collected, we translate opinions, needs and expectations into concrete actions, capable of improving the customer experience and employee engagement. This process allows companies to develop measurable strategies, aligned with clear objectives and tangible results, optimizing not only customer satisfaction, but also operational efficiency and staff motivation.
“It is proven that Customer Satisfaction is an indicator that looks both to the past and the future.
It looks to the past because it informs about what companies have done for their customers;
it looks to the future because it suggests what customers will do for companies.”
Claes Fornell, President, CFI Group Worldwide
A history of dedication tocustomer satisfaction
Starting in the United States in 1988
And becoming entirely Italian
CFI Groupour history
Claes Fornell founds CFI Group International
Claes Fornell creates the ACSI® (American Customer Satisfaction Index) under the auspices of the University of Michigan
Claes Fornell and Giampaolo Fabris, two great experiences in the world of research, found the Italian office of CFI Group
First Customer Satisfaction survey in Italy in mobile telephony and launch of the first indicator of consumer satisfaction in large-scale retail trade in Italy: the National Supermarket Index
First Customer Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Surveys in Italy Banking, Agrochemical, Public Transport Sectors
First Customer Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Surveys in Italy in the Utility Sector, with Behavioral Cluster Profiling
Launch of Customer Satisfaction surveys in the satellite television sector, expansion of activities in the GDO and RETAIL sector: satellite dealer, study of new formats, mystery, surveys of the point of sale catchment area, on the distributor brand
First Win Back investigations, expansion of the customer base in other product sectors: Airports, Food, Insurance, Credit Protection, etc.
Development and application of CX platforms, with instant feedback, and Business Intelligence
We also deal with investigations on Sustainability, Brand, ADV, Sales Network
Customer Asset Managementwe give the right value to your most precious capital, your customers
CFI Group supports companies and organizations in managing customer relationships along the entire value chain, providing a model that allows them to optimize their return on investment (ROI). In a constantly evolving and increasingly competitive market, it is essential to distinguish between loyal customers who speak well of us and those who may abandon the company. It is essential to understand the value of each target and identify the most effective actions to build a strong and lasting relationship, and optimize the acquisition of new customers.
The answer to these needs is Customer Asset Management (CAM), an approach that helps the company manage customers by orienting the organization of processes according to their needs. CAM sees customers as a value to be grown, not just as subjects to whom products or services are sold. It is the quality of customer relationships that constitutes the true economic asset of the company, a value that goes beyond the individual products purchased and represents the overall potential of the company.

Employee Asset Managementvaluing human capital for business success

Employee Asset Management (EAM) is a strategic approach that values human capital as a central element for business success. HR is faced with new generations of workers who have new needs and perspectives, and new challenges in attracting and retaining talent, well understanding that the value of people remains a huge competitive advantage for the organization. EAM is not limited to employee satisfaction, but recognizes them as fundamental assets, focusing on motivation, engagement, loyalty and customer orientation.
Investing in human capital means creating a productive and cohesive environment, capable of generating tangible results: greater efficiency, reduced turnover and a positive impact that is also reflected in the quality of the customer experience.
Leaders at the helm of CFI Group
È l’ideatore dell’American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), l’indicatore ufficiale su scala nazionale della soddisfazione dei consumatori statunitensi. Per mezzo dell’ACSI, Claes Fornell è riuscito a dimostrare con metodo scientifico la relazione esistente tra l’andamento economico finanziario di borsa e la soddisfazione dei clienti che gli ha permesso di ideare un modello di analisi predittivo dei ricavi futuri valido per ogni azienda e mercato.
He is currently Professor of Business at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business and Director of the National Quality Research Center (NQRC) at the University of Michigan. He has taught at Northwestern University and Duke University. Among other positions, in 1987 he was a visiting professor at INSEAD, France, and at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
Fornell is the author of over 80 published articles and numerous books. In Italy he published with Franco Angeli, Satisfied Customers. Winners and Losers in the Battle for Consumer Preference (2008).
She leads CFI Group offices on 4 continents from its headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan (US). She joined the group in 2000 and has served clients such as Cable & Wireless, General Motors, Kraft Foods, Compuware and NASA. Prior to CFI Group International, she held positions at Kraft Foods, Quaker Oats, Kolcraft Enterprises. She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Michigan, and was a top-ranked MBA graduate from the University of Chicago.
Having joined CFI Group in 2001 as Business Manager, he became Business Director in 2009 and has held the role of Managing Director since June 2020.
In CFI Group he founded and led to important results the Business Unit that follows Utilities, of which he is one of the greatest experts in Italy, and then supported the development of the Finance area.
Before joining CFI Group he worked at GPF & Associati and Infomark, where he was responsible for the Chemicals and B2B area, and then extended his activities to B2C studies in various sectors. He has published several articles for the Italian Statistical Society, and graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the State University of Milan.
Graduated in Statistical and Economic Sciences, she obtained an MBA Master in General Management and Entrepreneurial Development.
Having joined CFI Group in 2010 as Commercial Director, he held the role of Managing Director from 1 January 2012 to May 2020 and is now the Business Development Manager.
For over ten years Bruno Berni was Marketing Manager of the food division of Unilever and, after five years in consultancy with Bain & Co., he entered the world of market research becoming Head of the food and distribution area of the GPF Research Institute.
After a brief stint as an entrepreneur, he returned to the research sector as Commercial Director of Lorien, before being hired by CFI.
Bruno Berni graduated in Business Economics from the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan.