CFI GroupCustomer Satisfaction, Employee Motivation and Customized Market Research

CFI Group offers a wide range of services to support companies in analyzing and managing relationships that are fundamental to business success. Through innovative tools and a rigorous methodological approach, our company helps monitor and optimize Customer Satisfaction, improve employee motivation and engagement (Employee Satisfaction) and understand the dynamics of Retail Satisfaction. Each service is designed to provide clear insights that can be translated into concrete actions and strategies for sustainable growth.

Customer Satisfaction big min analisi di mercato

Customer satisfaction

We analyze customer satisfaction to identify strategic levers that improve the experience, build customer loyalty and increase their propensity for Advocacy.[
Employee motivation big min analisi di mercato

Employee motivation

Loyal, motivated and engaged employees are the foundation of any company's success. We analyze employee satisfaction to help companies understand where to focus improvement actions.

Mystery client big min analisi di mercato

Mystery client, mystery shopper and mystery caller

We conduct mystery surveys to improve customer experience and optimize touchpoints.

Barometri settoriali big min analisi di mercato

Sector barometers

We detect the main benchmarks related to consumer satisfaction and behavior in specific sectors, such as GDO-retail, Utilities, banks and agrochemicals.

Brand Equity big min analisi di mercato

Brand Equity

We measure perceived brand value and provide insights that enable companies to strengthen their reputation and competitive positioning.

Ricerche di mercato ad hocbig min analisi di mercato

Ricerche di mercato ad hoc

We design customized market research to meet the specific needs of each client, providing strategic and targeted data.[